Free atmospheric sulfur is almost non-existent these days. So much like corn – farmers need to add sulfur to their fertilizer blend for our soybean crop. Responses to sulfur applications seem to vary – but soil is soil – and we see a more consistent result to the addition of sulfur in sandier soils with… Read the full article…
Think about it – you’re hungry? You go to the fridge, cupboard or even just the table. But plants can’t just go to the food. Their roots can expand out, but like most of us they fall with gravity and go down. In 2024 we have the ability to bring the food to the plants…. Read the full article…
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) should be top of mind as farmers make 2025 input decisions. SCN is in the top 5 when it comes to consistent soybean yield robbers. Those bushels are often silently lost and can rob up to 30% of our yield without even showing visual symptoms. Lighter soils often show visual symptoms… Read the full article…
People always want the best of both worlds – and good heavy test weight with a fast die/fast drydown product is no exception to those wants! As you combine your fields this fall and evaluate your hybrid selection from 2024 we hope these tips below will help you select the best hybrids for your… Read the full article…
Margins look to be tight for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Farmers are resilient and know when prices are what they are – we have to control the input costs. Here are a few tips for fertilizer placement – based on science – to help you make good decisions through tight times.
White Mold is one of those diseases we plan for, but we never really know if we will have it until it’s here. It has been a significant concern for farmers over the years, and rightfully so, because of how devastating it can be to the crop yield. This disease is very different from other… Read the full article…
When it rains, it pours—and that’s not always a bad thing after the dry spells we’ve had over the past few years. But now that it’s drying up in places, don’t forget how much rainfall we have experienced throughout this growing season. When soils are full of water, or as we say, at field… Read the full article…
Picture this: you’ve just finished a hearty meal, but you’re still hungry for more. You go back for seconds to get all the nutrients you need to feel satisfied. In many ways, side dressing nutrients for corn is like going back for seconds at the dinner table, providing a spoon feeding of a three course… Read the full article…
Do you know how the weather will shake out this spring? We don’t either, but numerous research studies have shown average U.S. corn yields increase with the addition of a starter fertilizer. Here in the Midwest we are very used to seeing all four seasons in one week, sometimes in one day– as an… Read the full article…
Dr. Jake said it best: “Soil sampling is about tracking where you’re going,” regardless of when or how you sample. Soil sampling procedures look different from farm to farm, and even field to field. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you consider spring sampling: Timing Matters Consistency is key. Depending… Read the full article…