Tagged: fungicides
August 25th, 2023
The potential of one’s crop starts long before the seed is even planted in the ground. How seed is harvested, dried, stored and treated before planting all make an impact in that seed’s ability to perform best in the soil it is planted in. Although seed treatment packages have been around for some time,…
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July 17th, 2023
“What diseases should I be looking for this season? How can I prevent or treat them?” These are questions we commonly hear from customers this time of year. As we progress through the hot summer months, the threat of disease looms in fields. Kurt Maertens, technical agronomist at BASF, joined Dr. Jake Vossenkemper to…
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July 10th, 2019
Dr. Bernhard joins Liqui-Grow, Soybean Industry Update, & Risk Factors for Foliar Diseases in 2019