Environmental Stewardship

Agronomy Stewardship

Useful Agronomy Documents

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Iowa Fertilizer Strategy

As we wrap up harvest for 2017, Liqui-Grow would like to bring attention to and encourage all growers to review the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (INRS). This next year, 2018, will mark the fifth full year that INRS will be in place as a voluntary nutrient management plan that Iowa growers across the state will have the opportunity to utilize.

Liqui-Grow recommends that our growers review and have a clear understanding of the various components and management practices outlined in the strategy and continue to adopt multiple strategies to reduce off-target movements of nutrients. Liqui-Grow has been working towards taking a proactive approach to the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy to prevent the state to move to a “permit to farm” model.

Fertilizer for Root Growth

Liqui-Grow recommends the use of a nitrogen stabilizer containing the active ingredient Nitrapyrin as a management practice. Nitrapyrin, the active ingredient in Instinct® II nitrogen stabilizer, has shown benefits to reduce nitrate leaching by 9% and increase corn yields 6%. Instinct II keeps nitrogen in the stable ammonium form by slowing the conversion to nitrate, therefore, reducing nitrate leaching and allowing your corn crop to capture more nitrogen in the root zone before it exits the soil profile. The end result is a healthier corn crop, increased yield potential, and the satisfaction that you are beginning to take steps on your farm to address water quality issues in Iowa.

In order to show Liqui-Grow’s commitment to the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and environmental concerns, we hope you would consider using a nitrogen stabilizer in your nitrogen application this spring and while applying manure this fall and spring. We welcome you to discuss the benefits for your farm with your local Liqui-Grow agronomist.

In closing, Liqui-Grow’s commitment to better serve our customers is the driving force behind this decision, as we have found the practice of stabilizing nitrogen with Instinct II to be a sound agronomic practice that has consistently shown return on investment to our growers.

Iowa Fertilizer Supplier

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