Tagged: Nitrogen
December 4th, 2023
The Importance of Phosphorus Ever wonder why some fields are impacted by drought more than others? It could be the result of low phosphorus levels in the soil. Phosphorus is a key contributor to plant and root development, along with nutrient uptake. From a technical standpoint, phosphorus is a fundamental element of a plant’s…
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December 1st, 2023
A plant needs many nutrients to produce a good yield, but when it comes down to the basics, nitrogen is the lifeblood of your crops. This nutrient affects nearly every vital element of a plant’s life and structure. The Importance of Nitrogen To grow yields, a plant has to convert sugars into energy, and…
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August 6th, 2020
Learn how to spot the difference between normal re-mobilization nitrogen deficiency and true nitrogen deficiency.
October 30th, 2019
12 – 15 Month Financing, Agronomy Research Book arriving soon, Seed Genetics, Potassium Deficiencies in Soybeans
July 10th, 2019
Dr. Bernhard joins Liqui-Grow, Soybean Industry Update, & Risk Factors for Foliar Diseases in 2019
June 6th, 2019
Nitrogen loss will be a big concern in 2019 given all the wet weather. As such and for good reason, there have been many questions regarding how much N may have been lost and what we can do to go about correcting these N loss problems. To address these concerns and questions I have made a video discussing these various issues.
January 11th, 2019
Summary Urea fertilizer, if not incorporated by tillage or precipitation, is highly susceptible to ammonia volatilization (loss to the atmosphere as ammonia gas). Uniform application of urea can be problematic due to segregation of larger and smaller urea prills and due to physical spread pattern interference from standing corn during in-season applications. Liquid UAN…
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November 6th, 2018
The INRS is a science based study of the various best practices framers can implement to reduce the loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Iowa. Watch the video to learn what management practices are recommended for top yields and environmental stewardship. The goal of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is to reduce Nitrogen losses by…
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