Tillage – Yes or No?

In a corn soybean rotation, tillage might not be necessary every year.  But, for the 2nd year corn and continuous corn, some form of tillage or stalk removal is necessary.  Multiple year data at the ISU research farm are showing some interesting results.
                            Influence of Tillage on Corn Yields in Till Soil_________________

Type Tillage                                         CSB Rotation                      2nd Year Corn

Moldboard Plow                                        193.0                                     178.0

Subsoil                                                        188.2                                     167.6

Chisel Plow                                                192.2                                     171.0

Strip-till                                                        174.7                                     156.0
No-till                                                           169.6                                     148.2__________

2nd Year Corn – 5 site years of data              Source:  Balancing tillage, soil loss and profitability

C-SB – 10 site years of data                                           Mark, Hanna & Matt Helmers

                                                                                              2012 ICM Conference, Ames, IA