The selection of your soybean varieties is a vital component of your management effort. But what criteria should be included in your variety selection?
- Yield—it is desirable to find a variety that is doing well in your area.
- Maturity Grouping—to spread out soybean harvest, I possibly might use a variety 0.2-to-0.5 maturity group shorter to begin my soybean harvest with.
- Disease Rating.
- Brown Stem: Need a very strong rating.
- Phytophthora: Want Rps1k, Rps1c, or Rps7.
- Phytophthora Field Tolerance: A strong rating is desirable.
- Soybean Cyst Nematode—want R3 or MR3.
- White Mold—in fields where there is a white mold history, you need a strong white mold rating.
- Emergence—want excellent rating.
- Standability—want excellent rating for yield and harvest ease.
- Seed Treatments—check with seed dealer or seed treater.
- Seed Treatment for:
- Disease Control.
- Insects.
- Nematodes.
- Seed Treatment for: