Prevented Planting

For some farmers this year, 2013, “Prevented Planting” is a reality. What are my options after discussing the situation with my insurance agent?

Prevented Planting Options

  • Plant soybeans on those corn prevented planted acres.
    • This will dramatically reduce the corn root worm presence.
    • This will reduce N requirement by 40-to-50 lbs. N compared to continuous corn recommendation.
    • However, it may not be possible due to previously applied corn herbicide.
    • It is important to review the economics for late-planted soybeans. It may not justify the risk.
  • Plant nothing on the prevented planting acres.
    • This is low-cost, but you may need to perform tillage to control weeds.
    • An additional concern could be that with no crop on the acres, there is the loss or reduced amount of VAM (vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) present to assist in next year’s phosphorus uptake. The VAM fungi assist in increasing phosphorus uptake for the plant.
    • This gives the possibility for increased soil erosion.
    • This has no N credit.
  • Plant a cover crop on the prevented planting acres.
    • For June-July planting period, warm season grasses like:
      • Sorghum.
      • Sorghum-sudangrass.
      • Millet.
      • Note: Check the previous herbicide plant back restrictions for the warm season grasses.
    • For August-September planting period:
      • Spring oats.
      • Winter wheat.
      • Annual rye grass.
      • Red clover.
      • Tillage radish.
      • Alfalfa.
      • Cereal rye.
      • Winter triticale.