Outstanding Soybean Yield

We finished harvesting our soybeans late on 3 Oct 2011.  Overall, our yield at the Agronology 10 Research Center in Walcott, IA, was truly outstanding.  We harvested our 7th highest individual yielding plot with a yield of 83.95 Bu/A.  The 18 highest yielding individual plots make up our critical observations each year.  In 2011, our average yield was 80.9 Bu/A for these 18 plots which was the highest recorded yield ever.  This critical observation data base spans the time period from 1994 to present, an 18 year period.

Our “Plant Health” experiment for soybeans showed a 5.9 Bu/A yield response to a fungicide and insecticide application at R3 growth stage.  My general observations were that the incident of disease and insect pressures was quite low this year.