May Planting for 2013

Remember, the penalty from “side wall” compaction is significantly greater than the penalty for late planting. Until the 3rd week of May (20 May 2013), the corn yield losses are small for this delayed planting. 

The morning soil temperatures at the Agronology 10 Research Center were generally better than I had expected.  A selected grouping of soil temperatures at a 4 inch depth is provided:

     Date                       Time (am)                                        Rainfall

28 April 2013                  9:00                           52                    0.00

29 April 2013                  8:00                           54                    0.00

30 April 2013                  7:30                           59                    0.00

1 May 2013                    7:00                            61                    0.00

2 May 2013                    8:45                            57                    0.00

3 May 2013                    8:30                            44                    0.55

4 May 2013                    —-                               —                     1.50

5 May 2013                    —-                               —                     0.20

6 May 2013                   7:50                             54                    0.00

At the Agronology 10 Research Center, corn was planted on 29 and 30 April, and soybeans were planted on 1 May 2013.  These plantings were done on a stale seed bed.