Tip #1
I would strongly recommend that you consider adding 10 lbs. s/a to the fall dribble band fertilizer application. Our normal P&K recommendation for 60 bu/a soybeans would be a 17-40-80.
Over a thirteen year time period (2001-2013), the addition of 10 lbs of sulfur enhanced yields by an average 2.2 bu/a per year. With soybeans at $12.50/bu and 10 lbs of sulfur costing $8.73/a, the net dollars per year would average $18.77.
In 2013, even better net dollars ($/a) were achieved when the 10 lbs of sulfur was added to our dribble banded P&K fertility program (Table 1).
Table 1: Influence of Sulfur on Yields and Profitability in 2013
Fertility (lbs/A)_____ Yield ________$/A______
P&K Dribble Band Sulfur Bu/A Cost Net
21-40-80 ——- 66.2 —– —–
21-40-80 10 71.7 8.73 60.02_______
Soybeans: $12.50/bu.
Sulfur: 454.10/T.
Tip #2
I would concur with University Soybean Specialists who are recommending seeding rates of 130,000-to-140,000 seeds/a.
At the Agronology 10 Research Center in 2013, we observed about a $28.00/a advantage with our 140,000 seeding rate (Table 2).
Table 2: Influence of Seeding Rate on Yields and Profits in Soybeans
Seeding Rate (Seeds/A) Yield (Bu/A) Seed Cost Net
140,000 84.8 40.00 28.30
177,200 83.4 50.63 ——-_____________
Soybean Price: $12.50/bu.
Planting Date: May 1, 2013.
Fall P&K: 21-50-100-10s-1.3Mn.
Row Width: 15 inches.
Previous Crop: 6th Year Corn.
Seed Cost: $40.00/Bag @ 140,000 seeds.
Variety: Asgrow AG 2731 Gen RR2Y.
Tip #3
I would encourage the employment of a late season (R3-R4) fungicide and insecticide treatment on soybeans. The data illustrates the value of this treatment (Table 3).
Table 3 Influence of a Fungicide and Insecticide on 2013 Soybeans______________
Treatments______________ Yield Harvest $/A_______
Products Rate (Oz/A) Bu/A Moisture (%) Cost Net
None ——- 67.3 12.0 —— ——
Stratego YLD 4 70.4 11.9 19.62 19.13
Stratego YLD+Leverage 360 4+3.8 71.1 11.8 27.12 20.38___
Variety: Asgrow AG 2933 Gen RR2Y.
Planting Date: May 1, 2013.
Soybeans: $12.50/bu.