Critical Observations

Our efforts at the Agronology 10 Research Center have been directed toward methods, procedures or products that increase the odds that the farm will have a successful crop.


  1. The 24 plots in our consideration group had an average yield of 228.0 Bu/A.  This was a very average yield for our considerations group.  The 228.0 Bu/A ranked 5th lowest yield in the new millennium (2001-2011).

  2. The highest yielding individual corn plot achieved 260.6 Bu/A.  This yield ranked 5th highest in the new millennium.

  3. 20 of 24 plots (83%) had P & K applied for the corn crop.

  4. 18 of 20 fertilized plots (90%) had a micro-nutrient package applied.

  5. 16 of 20 corn plots (80%) were either fertilized with a fall, dribble application of 24-45-65-10s-.428zn-.2B or 24-55-85-10s-.428zn-.2B.

  6. 23 of 24 plots (96%) were fertilized with P & K the prior year to the 2011 corn crop.

  7. The average soil test values for these 24 plots were:

    • Available P (ppm):  32

    • Exchangable K (ppm): 238

  8. 17 of the 24 plots (71%) were planted with Dekalb DKC 62-97 GenVT3P.