Corn Micro-Nutrients

Yes, micro-nutrients are increasing yields and enhancing profitability for the farm!

This result is clearly demonstrated in the data from our 2011 Agronology 10

Research Center at Walcott.


                                        Influence of Micro-Nutrients on 2011 Corn Yields__     ___   _________

P & K Fall Dribble (lbs/A)      Yield* (Bu/A)     Harvest Moist (%)     Micro-Nut. Cost ($/A)    Net ($/A)


24-55-85                                       200.8                    23.7                                   —-                            —-

24-55-85-10s-.428Zn                 209.1                    23.0                                 9.96                         43.99

24-55-85-10s-.428Zn-.2B         218.2                    23.3                               10.20                       102.90 

*Average for four replications

Variety:  DeKalb DKC 59-35 VT3

Date Planted:  30 April 2011

Date Harvested:  30 September 2011

Corn Price:  $6.50/Bu.