Continuous Corn

From the most recent Corn & Soybean Classic, Dr. Emerson Nafziger presented the following data.

      Table 1        Corn Grain Yields in Various Rotations in Northern Illinois____

                                                                  Year___________         Ave        % of      

                                           2008       2009       2010       2011       Yield        SC
Rotation                          —————————–Bu/A———————-

Continuous Corn*           202         184         159          170         180          87

Corn-Soybean                  220         214         197          186         205        100

1st Yr Corn in C-C-SB      216         211         191          186         202          98
2nd Yr Corn in C-C-SB     211         196         177          175         191          93______

*4th Yr Continuous Corn Plus


At our Agronology 10 Research Center at Walcott, we are measuring an 11% yield difference on corn following soybeans vs. a long term continuous corn rotation.  Another item to note from the Illinois work is that soybean yields have increased 5% in C-C-SB vs. C-SB rotation.