
Quarterly Newsletter: May 2020

May Newsletter Banner Image


Continual Safety and Service

Securing Seeds

Control Your Yield


Owner's Update

Liqui-Grow is a family-owned business (62 years) focused on serving its employees and Midwest farm customers. We are proud to maintain an employee management team that welcomes input and takes quick action when called upon, especially during these unusual times. Every spring we work to keep a safe and secure work environment, but this spring we had to up our game to meet the new challenges.

The safety of and service to each and every Liqui-Grow customer was considered with changes we made this spring in providing products/services to them. We want to thank them for their support. We also want to thank each and every employee for their support and extra effort this spring to keep our teams safe and viable during this busy spring season.

As a family-owned business that is not handcuffed by any bureaucratic processes or distractions, we are able to make decisions that are sensitive, nimble and timely recognizing the impact not only on our employees and customers, but us directly.

As we enter this next phase of our growing crop, both customers and employees can be assured that we are being very thoughtful in balancing many needs for creating future successes in 2020.


Thanks so much for your support.

-Scott, Hov & Bruce Tinsman

photo of owners


Securing Seeds

photo of Katie Hess
Katie Hess
Seed & Seed Treatment Manager










"We were extremely proactive as a company this spring, and took seed delivery to our locations sooner than usual to try and secure our customers’ orders and requests."

I am 33 years old and I’ve been reminded over and over again the past 2 months of what unprecedented times we are living in and we’ve never seen this, hopeful to not see it again in my lifetime. It seems like each generation gets to see something no one else has ever seen. It’s hard to point out positives right now, but here goes.

We were extremely proactive as a company this spring, and took seed delivery to our locations sooner than usual to try and secure our customers’ orders and requests. We also want to thank our customers for taking delivery of seed products sooner than usual. If there’s one thing I’ve learned working with farmers all these years, it is, they will adapt to unforeseen events.

Securing your seed for your orders isn’t as easy as it seems, sometimes we have to “beg, borrow or steal” to fill those orders and this was no different than any other year, but with a lot more social distancing rules to follow. If you see me at a location or field day later this year, ask me more about this!

I say all this to remind you as the salesmen ask you what your plan or ideas are for next year, they are trying to do their best in securing supply for you. Thanks for all of the support this spring, and I’m looking forward to walking your fields with the salesmen this summer!


Control Your Yield

photo of Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Agronomy Research Lead









"It’s wise to focus on the metric you can control, which is yield."

No doubt COVID-19 has caused recent commodity prices to soften and it’s impossible to know what these developing circumstances might do to the future commodity price landscape. What we do know, however, is that we have very little control over crop prices, but we do have some control over crop yield. Given the two metrics together control gross revenue, it’s wise to focus on the metric you can control, which is yield.

Given these facts, I would double down on making wise agronomic decisions. You obviously had a well thought out crop production plan prior to the epidemic that would result in optimum yields/returns and I see no reason to deviate from that. In other words, if you and your Liqui-Grow salesman had planned to make a sidedress application to corn or had planned on making a foliar fungicide application to soybean or corn, those plans were made based on sound agronomics and not on an emotional reaction due to the present pandemic.

While I am not an economist, I follow closely what ag economists are saying and there are a few reasons why prices may rebound. Ethanol consumption while still historically low is making a steep rebound. Cheap US corn means that we are increasingly competitive on the world market which may incentivize China and other export markets to buy US corn. Moreover, some ag economists believe that corn planting intentions are inflated meaning the 2020 crop may not be as large as the USDA is forecasting at this moment. So there is hope for optimism and you will need yield to capitalize on higher grain prices this fall/winter should that materialize.


Newsletter Archive - COMING SOON

Quarterly Newsletter: January 2020

Jan 2020 Newsletter banner image


Expanding Our Fertilizer Storage Capacity
Optimal Seeding Rate for Your Hybrid
Winter Agronomy Meetings Near You

Owner's Update

Liqui-Grow continues to focus on offering our customers a dependable and competitive fertilizer supply for 2020. For this to happen year in and year out, Liqui-Grow must continue to revamp and expand its fertilizer storage capacity, i.e.……re-invest $s.

While it may not always work out economically, it remains our focus to keep supply at the forefront of our business plans. And even though we don’t see any supply issues for 2020 at this point, we will expand our 32% storage in 2020.

-Scott, Hov & Bruce Tinsman

photo of owners


Agronomy Research Book Coming Soon

Cover of Agronomy Research Book

Since the spring of 2015 I have been conducting research on new products and management practices farmers can potentially use to increase both corn and soybean yields and profitability. By now I have amassed a bunch of results that are finalized and ready to share.

I will share these results in the form of a book, which will contain research on fertilization products and practices, seed treatments for soybeans, fertilizer additives and much more. These research summary books will be available in February at all of our Liqui-Grow locations. You can also request a book by calling the main office (563-359-3624) or via email by emailing Tammie Suhl at


New Year, New You

photo of Katie Hess
Katie Hess
Seed & Seed Treatment Manager










"If seed is one place you could do better, it all starts when the seed comes out of the bag."

Farming can be so frustrating sometimes. The seasons are never the same year after year, which isn’t all bad, and you only get one try every year. So I hope with each passing season you aren’t just doing what you’ve always done. I encourage you to add to, and try to better your operation for 2020. Have a goal. Whether it’s ROI, yield or operationally, try to do one thing better than in the past. If seed is one place you could do better, it all starts when the seed comes out of the bag. What population is the best population for your hybrid/variety? What is the soil type best for these hybrids or varieties? Does that product have good plant health, or could it use a fungicide? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, that is what our sales reps are for!

We at Liqui-Grow have spent lots of time learning the best placement and management for these products we provide to you. Our research department has even been conducting trials on management to help answer some of these questions. See the data below for examples of trials being conducted. Fig 1. shows 1447VT2P will continue to have greater yield potential in higher yielding environments than the average hybrid. Fig 2. shows the economic optimal seeding rate (EOSR) for each hybrid, in a given yield environment.

As we prepare for spring, let us help you make these decisions and get a plan together to better your farm for 2020!

Figure 1

Figure 2


Winter Agronomy Meetings Near You

photo of Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Agronomy Research Lead









"This winter we will be hosting a local meeting at nearly every one of our retail locations."

In the winter of 2016/2017 I started conducting winter meetings at some of our local retail locations to discuss pertinent crop management issues/challenges and findings from some of your local research plots. Since I began these meetings, the number of our retail outlets interested in myself hosting such a meeting has grown. This winter we will be hosting a local winter agronomy meeting at nearly every one of our retail outlets.

The Topics

“A Co-inoculant for Increasing Soybean N Supply, Yield and Profit”

-Dr. Jake Vossenkemper

“In-Season Nutrients for Corn”

-Dr. Brad Bernhard


Newsletter Archive - COMING SOON

Quarterly Newsletter: October 2019

Top Banner of Corn


Agronomy Research Book

Hidden Genetic
Potential in Seeds

Potassium Deficiencies in Soybeans, 2019


Owner's Update

Liqui-Grow is committed to sourcing farmer crop input financing on your behalf. We know that you have many choices when making your 2020 input partner decision. We have diligently worked on our customer’s behalf to line up options for 12-15 mo. financing choices at VERY LOW APR’S.

Many of these are through John Deere Financial & Rabobank, but there are also other options available. Liqui-Grow is able to offer fertilizer financing as well as Crop Protection & Seed. Ask us for further details.

-Scott, Hov & Bruce Tinsman

photo of owners


Agronomy Research Book Coming Soon

Cover of Agronomy Research Book

Since the spring of 2015 I have been conducting research on new products and management practices farmers can potentially use to increase both corn and soybean yields and profitability. By now I have amassed a bunch of results that are finalized and ready to share.

I will share these results in the form of a book, which will contain research on fertilization products and practices, seed treatments for soybeans, fertilizer additives and much more. These research summary books will be available later this fall at any of our Liqui-Grow locations. You can also request a book by calling the main office (563-359-3624) or via email by emailing Tammie Suhl at


Hidden Genetic Potential in Seeds

photo of Katie Hess
Katie Hess
Seed & Seed Treatment Manager










"A kernel of corn or a soybean still appears to be the same as it was 30-50 years ago. What potential seed has, is what has changed."

Technology can come in many forms. Most of the time it looks and feels new. Seed is not that way. A kernel of corn or a soybean still appears to be the same as it was 30-50 years ago. What potential seed has, is what has changed. More precise research and development has brought us more yield potential, 2019 is proof of that. As farms are being harvested, and in areas not lost completely to Mother Nature’s dealt hand, yields are meeting or exceeding expectations. So, as I continue to get the question, “Why does this seed cost so much?” I will continue to answer with, “Because of the genetic potential and technology suppliers are putting into it.”

Seed is the first decision to make when setting yield goals. It can’t be the only decision. There has to be a solid fertilizer, weed management, and plant health program put together to help seed reach its genetic capabilities. Our staff at Liqui-Grow is fully trained to help you reach yield goals and the return on your investment. Over the past year we have been training on hybrids and varieties more than ever to help you make the right decision on your own acre.

Unfortunately, we lost some planned plots to the spring weather events. The remaining plot results will be posted once again on our website: It’s a great start to see the genetic potential these hybrids and varieties have.


Potassium Deficiencies in Soybeans - 2019

photo of Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Agronomy Research Lead    









"While higher than normal soybean yields are clearly a good thing, high soybean yields also remove large amounts of potassium from the soil."

In the summer of 2019, I observed more potassium deficiencies in soybeans than I have ever seen in my 12 years as an agronomist. Why? These deficiencies in 2019 could be explained by a number of factors, including poor root development from early saturated soils, the dry soil conditions that most of us experienced from mid-June to mid-August or that potassium soil test levels are well below the optimum in some fields.

Dropping soil test potassium levels could be a key culprit given many of us have had exceptional soybean yields over the past few years (2016, 2017 and 2018). While higher than normal soybean yields are clearly a good thing, high soybean yields also remove large amounts of potassium from the soil.

Many may be surprised that a 65 bu/ac soybean crop removes nearly 80 lbs of potassium per acre from the soil. Ramp that up to 80 bu/ac and removal increases to nearly 100 lbs of potassium per acre. While it’s hard to complain about above average soybean yields in the not so distant past, it’s also important to replenish your soils with fertilizer potassium so that high soybean yields can be maintained.

Potassium Removal Chart

Yellow tinted soybean leaves showing potassium deficiencies.

Potassium deficient soybeans near Morning Sun, IA in 2019. Potassium deficiencies in soybeans are indicated by yellowing and or necrotic leaf margins often in the upper half of the canopy.


Newsletter Archive - COMING SOON

Focus Seed Catalog

Header image for Seed Catalog

Photo of hand holding a seed

Focus: the center of activity, attraction, or attention.


That’s what we are committed to do. We know not every hybrid fits every acre or management style but here are the hybrids we are excited to use in 2020.





   PDF File Download



   Dekalb Corn Hybrids

   Mycogen Corn Hybrids


   Armor Corn Hybrids

   Mycogen Soybean Hybrids

   Asgrow Soybean Hybrids

   Armor Soybean Hybrids

   PDF File Download

Quarterly Newsletter: July 2019

Banner image for July 2019 newsletter


Dr. Brad Bernhard joins Liqui-Grow

Soybean Industry Updates

Risk Factors for Foliar Diseases in 2019


Owner's Update

There are many changes & consolidations happening within the Ag world. Liqui-Grow is a family owned company with more than 60 years of service in many rural communities. The owners and all of our employees have a shared commitment to each of the local communities where we serve. Liqui-Grow represents many families, that live where they work, and they are devoted to helping you raise a profitable crop each and every year.

This year has REALLY proven to be a challenge for both our customers and our employees. Through it all we have tried to help you meet the spring challenges and will continue to do our very best for you and your operations. Thank you for your support. We look forward to providing to you the same quality products and services that we have provided over the last 60 years.

-Scott, Hov & Bruce Tinsman

photo of owners


New Addition to the Liqui-Grow Team

photo of Dr. Brad Bernhard
Dr. Brad Bernhard
Agronomy Research Manager

Brad Bernhard was born and raised on a hog and grain farm in Elwood, IL. Recently, he earned his Ph.D. in Crop Sciences from the University of Illinois under the advisement of Dr. Fred Below. As part of the Crop Physiology Laboratory, Brad’s research focused on characterizing hybrids that would yield greater when planted at higher planting populations and/or narrower row spacings. In addition, Brad evaluated different nitrogen management strategies including band vs. broadcast nitrogen prior to planting along with different nitrogen sidedress application technologies (coulter vs. Y-drop).

The key takeaways from his research include:

Nitrogen Management


Nitrogen supplying power of the soil is a good indication of plant yield-response to split applied N.

Plants that received banded N at preplant produced the greatest grain yields.

When sidedressing N, placing the N in close proximity to the crop row resulted in greater yields.

Hybrid x Population

X Row Spacing Study

Corn yields in Illinois maximized at 44,000 plants/acre in a 20 inch row spacing.

Corn grown in a 20 inch row spacing out-yielded 30 inch row spacing by 12 bu/acre.

As population increases, the size of each individual root system gets smaller.

Later maturity hybrids tended to yield more with higher populations and/or narrower rows.


Standard Population 

32,00 plants / acre

photo of roots


High Population 

44,00 plants / acre

photo of roots


At higher populations, the size of the root system is smaller necessitating the need for better crop management especially soil fertility.


Soybean Industry Updates

photo of Katie Hess
Katie Hess
Seed & Seed Treatment Manager










"We are currently testing soybeans to bring forward in 2020."

2019 has been a year for the books! We have seen a lot of mergers, buy-outs and technology advancements, so here are some key take-aways and highlights from what has happened and how it affects the soybean industry.

First I’d like to start with our new exclusive Armor dealership. Because of Armor’s agreements, we will be able to provide soybeans in various trait platforms to give our customers the options they have been asking for. We are currently testing soybeans to bring forward in 2020, and you can see those in plots across our trade area.

Bayer became the proud owner of Monsanto back on August 21, 2018. To make this happen, Bayer sold their Credenz soybean product line to BASF. We have been able to keep our Credenz dealership because of our strong partnership with BASF. Bayer has a new soybean technology to get excited about as well, XtendFlex. ®Xtendflex® soybeans are tolerant to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba offering more options to control weeds. Xtendflex soybeans are currently not approved for commercial use, but are in the testing phases to bring the best yield and genetics to farmers.

Dow and DuPont became one company, and then split into three different companies. As of June 1, 2019 the stand-alone agriculture company which evolved from, is called Corteva Agriscience ™. Under the Corteva umbrella is seed, chemical and digital products. Mycogen Seeds is part of the Corteva portfolio.  This merger is beneficial to farmers, because Mycogen Seeds will have a greater traits and genetics platform to pull from creating better products for the farm. We are excited to see the product and yield advancements in the Mycogen line-up because of this change, and what we will be able to offer our customers in the fall.

Enlist E3 ™ soybeans were finally approved! In Feb 2019 the Philippines approved Enlist E3 ™ soybeans for import, this was the final step before Enlist E3 ™ soybeans would be fully released for commercial use.  Enlist E3 ™ soybeans are available through us in the Merschman, Mycogen and Armor brands.  They are tolerant to glyphosate, glufosinate and 2,4-D choline, allowing flexibility to control weeds.

LibertyLink GT27 (LLGT27) soybeans are tolerant to glyphosate, glufosinate and HPPD group 27 herbicide. As of today, you cannot utilize the HPPD portion of this trait package. These beans are available through us in the Merschman and Credenz brands.

Soybean Trait Options by Brandchart of Soybean Trait Options by Brand


Risk Factors for Foliar Diseases in Corn - 2019

photo of Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Dr. Jake Vossenkemper
Agronomy Research Lead    









"The wet weather will allow foliar diseases to more easily infect corn leaves."

Nothing about 2019 has been easy thus far. For many of us, saturated soils and excessive rain have delayed planting and have made all other field operations difficult. While I’d rather not give you another worry, I’d be remiss as your agronomist if I did not inform you that several risk factors for significant foliar diseases in corn are developing.

Lack of tillage in the fall of 2018 and colder winter and spring temperatures have resulted in higher than normal corn residue and foliar disease inoculum carryover into the 2019 growing season.

NOAA and the National Weather Service predict higher than normal precipitation to continue ( The wet weather will allow foliar diseases to more easily infect corn leaves.

Disease pressure builds and reaches its maximum toward mid and late Aug. In 2019 much of our corn will still be accumulating significant amounts of grain yield well into late Aug, and therefore more susceptible to yield losses from foliar diseases.

Fungicides: multiple mode of action are far superior

I also wanted to remind you that if you chose to use a fungicide it can be tempting to select single mode of action fungicide (normally strobilurin or group 11) given their reduced cost, but University studies clearly show that dual or multiple mode of action fungicides (strobilurin+triazole or group 3+11) are far superior at protecting yield.

Chart on fungicide group 11 vs group 11+


Newsletter Archive - COMING SOON

Liqui-Grow Employees Recognized by Iowa Certified Crop Advisers

Working farmland requires tried and true strategies, which is why 50% of Liqui-Grow’s sales staff has dedicated themselves to becoming Certified Crop Advisers (CCA). Being a CCA is the standard of expertise and competence in the crop and soil management services industry. Trained CCA professionals can help increase per acre profit (depending on the crop and weather), have up-to-date knowledge on the latest developments in agriculture, and must adhere to a code of ethics that places a customer’s needs first.

Liqui-Grow is proud to announce that five of our employees were recognized for their years of service to the Iowa Certified Crop Adviser Program.


Dwain Kilburg Sales and Application at Eldridge, IA 25 Years of Service
Kurt Kirchner Location Manager at West Liberty, IA 25 Years of Service
Torie Korth Location Manager at Hampton, IA 25 Years of Service
Steve Heilskov Steve Heilskov Seed Sales at Hampton, IA 25 Years of Service
Mark Johnson Sales at Hampton, IA 20 Years of Service

For a complete list of CCA’s recognized by the Iowa Certified Crop Advisers, click here.

Helping Plants remove natural toxins could boost yields by 47%

Crop scientists with the USDA/ARS and the University of Illinois genetically modified the mechanisms of photosynthesis which increased plant biomass production by 47%. This may be the foundation towards dramatically increasing crop yields.


screenshot of potted plants

Can you imagine the entire population of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the United Kingdom and France going hungry?

You don’t need to imagine. That is exactly what happens every day when an estimated 815 million people around the globe go hungry. In the short term, the problem is likely to get worse as the population grows, diets change and urban sprawl forces farmers to produce more food on less land. Recent reports suggest that by the time children born today reach their 30s, the planet must increase food production by at least 70 percent.

Continue Reading

Breaking News: Fall Anhydrous is not a Best Management Practice in the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy

The INRS is a science based study of the various best practices framers can implement to reduce the loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Iowa. Watch the video to learn what management practices are recommended for top yields and environmental stewardship.

The goal of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is to reduce Nitrogen losses by 41% and Phosphorus losses by 29%. In turn, this will improve yield, soil health and water quality throughout the state of Iowa.  Not only will this improve nutrient levels in Iowa’s waters but also in areas down stream, including the Gulf of Mexico.

For more information on the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, visit their website: